Maxwell J. Toms                                                                                                      

49 Julian Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, K7C 3W7   (613) 257-7290


Software Development


Since 1980, Maxwell J. Toms has performed the functions of design, development and test of a number of computer application programs ranging from Automatic testing for flight qualification of satellite components to relational database systems for business process automation. Max is well versed in the development process. Responsibilities have included all project elements such as System Definition, Configuration, Coding, Maintenance, Test and Implementation.

Max was a key member in the development and test of the following computer application programs

Management Software:

·        Time, Expenses & Acquisitions Management System (TEAMS), an integrated business management software with modules for Timesheets, Expense claims, Travel requests, Procurement, Project estimation and tracking, Business management, Sales support and tracking, and Staff Management.

·        An Expense claim system that permits the collection of travel and domestic expenses while calculating the correct GST, PST and HST for tax collection and claw-back purposes.

·        An ATE & Spares database utility for estimating support equipment resource utilization requirements and used for CCG DGPS and CAATS VSE project definition.

·        A Procurement system to manage and control the purchasing process for AGRA Monenco’s POSTEL AFMS Project.

·        A Procurement system to manage the purchasing for the RAMS consortium RIIP Project, a major DND IT program for the Reserves.

·        A Time collection system developed to record employee weekly time for direct entry to payroll, accounting and project management.

·        A Buyer's User Interface to permit procurement personnel to access FastMAN MRP data electronically using MS Access 2 database software.

·        A small database to manage client names, companies, contract data and contact data using MSAccess. (private venture, 1994)

·        A series of integrated spreadsheet tools to capture the Life-Cycle Support costs for hardware, application software and COTS Software for PMO RIIP, a $60-70M IT/IS project. (1993)

·        An ATE usage model for estimating support equipment resource utilization requirements for the NSA Program. (1990, revised and updated in 1992).  Subsequently, this model has been used for ATE analysis for PMOs LLAD and TCCCS. (1993)

·        A Costing model for estimating the value of ATE, Vehicle Condition Monitoring and maintenance tracking system development for the NSA/NSH Program. (1990, revised and updated in 1992)

·        A time card capture/generation application. (1989)

·        A costing model for estimating the NSA PAVS Program. (1988-1989)

·        A cost estimate report generator for the TAS Program. (1986)

·        A learning curve program for production estimation. (1986)

·        A time card management program. (1982)

·        A schedule generation program. (1982)

·        A computer aided drawing program. (1981)


Test Software. Mr Toms was a key member in the development and test of the following test application software:

·        An inference engine (AI), for use with ATE Software. (1989)

·        The Test Program Sets and Drivers for the NODLR Program. Technical Consultant. (1989)

·        A Test Program Set for the CH-139 Audio Isolation CCA . (1988)

·        Control Software for a CTS Collimator, for the ADATS Program. (1987)

·        An ESS Test Program Set for the ADATS FLIR. Technical Consultant. (1987)

·        A Port Driver, for the NODLR FLIR (TOD). Technical Consultant. (1986)

·        Test Program Sets for the CP-140 FLIR (5008A). (1986)

·        The Basic Integrated Test System, a test operating system. (1985-1986)

·        A test operating system, including the test program sets, QC Inspection, and data handling for I6 TWTA production. (1983-1984)

·        Thermal-vacuum control and data acquisition software, for qualification and acceptance testing of TWTAs for space-flight use. (1983)

·        A test operating system, including the test program sets, QC Inspection, and data handling for the BrazilSat TWTA project. (1982)

·        A test operating system, including the test program sets, for the ANIK D TWTA project. (1980)

·        Environmental test software, for thermal qualification for the ANIK D TWTA project. (1980)



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